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Zerund brings you a light-weight, cost-efficient, earthquake & fire resistant brick that not just only saves your time & money but also the environment. With our bricks you're promising your family a strong Home with a healthy environment for your future generations. Our Vision is to create a world where our Homes are strong & the Planet is green.

India produces 9.5 million tons of plastic annually, and Zerund currently has 10,000+ tons of waste materials (plastic waste, industrial waste) annually in its plants. In India, 42.64 MT of CO2 is emitted by each Red Brick Industry annually. The energy consumption in the manufacturing of Zerund Brick is much less compared to red bricks, and no fertile agricultural soil is used in the manufacturing of Zerund Bricks.

Rajdhani Apartment, #06, Ganeshguri, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam, India 781006

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