After the Mumbai Marathon, State Bank of India has announced to host its very own SBI Green Marathon for a greener future commencing from 4 February to 4 March 2018 across India. This event is being organized by SBI in collaboration with popular station Radio Mirchi 98.3FM and New India Assurance. The main objective of this run is to create awareness about the imbalance in nature and in human life caused due to the irresponsible usage of natural resources by mankind.
The event is being organized across six major cities across India and there will four categories of running races: 2K, 5K, 10K and 21K run. It is going to be a six city marathon starting from 4 February 2018 in Mumbai followed by Delhi and Bengaluru on 18 February, Chennai and Ahmedabad on 25 February and concluding in Chandigarh on 4 March.
Each runner will be given saplings to promote clean and green city. Even the runner’s bib would also consist of seeds that can be planted after the marathon. Further, biodegradable and recyclable material will be used by the bank in most part of event execution. The bank has proposed to conduct the ‘SBI Green Marathon’ in all its 16 local head offices from the next Financial Year 2018-19 to create a more powerful impact on the country as a whole.
Date: 28.01.2018 | Source: You Too Can Run