Internet Based Apps That Help You Grow Cannabis At Home


Many cannabis enthusiasts are eager to grow weed at home. If you’re a novice cannabis grower and you’re unsure of what to do next, there are a variety of apps that can be used to assist you in your endeavor.

There are several internet-based software applications (apps) that can be used to grow cannabis at home. They can help you measure the amount of THC in your plants and upload photos of the flowers for a detailed analysis. These apps can also help you in daily monitoring the health of your plants.


It is quite easy to grow plants at home with an app. For example, you can grow lemon amnesia seeds by controlling the plant growth using an internet-based app. The Growtronix app, for instance, can turn on and off your pump when the water level drops too low, or when it’s too high. It can also send you notifications via email and SMS if the pH levels go outside of the normal range. You can also view pictures and timelapse videos that show you exactly what your plants are doing.


Designed with a user-friendly interface, Niwa’s all-in-one hydroponic system is ideal for newcomers as well as seasoned growers. The company claims this app is the world’s first smartphone-controlled plant growing system that enables you to grow cannabis in a fully automated hydroponic system that attends to all the plants’ needs and water. Right now, it is in a Beta-stage, and Niwa hopes to make the system available to a wider audience soon.


In the early days of the cannabis industry, the lack of accurate information about the plant’s needs was a problem for cannabis enthusiasts. Thankfully, technology has made growing marijuana easier than ever. Leafly is an internet-based app that provides information about the flowering process, the yield of marijuana, and the type of growing environment. The app also contains reviews and anecdotal accounts from people who have grown the plant and are willing to share them.

Grower Helper

The Grower Helper app is an online database that helps track all the important tasks you need to complete during your cannabis growing process. The app has features to help you schedule tasks, add photos to your grow log, and track environmental conditions like controlling russet mites. It even allows you to purchase growing supplies. It is available for iOS and Android devices. If you’re interested in growing your own cannabis, you should definitely check it out.

AC Infinity

If you want to grow weed at home, there are many hardware and software systems that can help you. AC Infinity’s Grow Journal is a unique grow tent monitoring system that has smart controls for automating ventilation, circulation, and lighting controls. This is a complete hardware and software system that offers a number of features, including a dashboard feed and notes. It also helps you keep track of your plants’ pH levels, moisture and temperature. Since it offer a lot of educational information for Cannabis growers, they should download this app to learn about the various growing environments available.


If you’ve ever wanted to grow cannabis at home, you may have wondered about the best ways to use an indoor space to grow plants. A growing room can be a challenging space to maintain, but technology can help automate many processes. Cannabis growing is no exception. The internet has made it possible for cannabis growers to implement automation tech right in their own homes. Among the many benefits of using the LEAF system are its ability to monitor temperature and humidity. In addition to regulating lighting, the LEAF system can also monitor your CO2 and air conditioning systems.

Grow With Jane

Investing in Grow With Jane’s internet based app for growing marijuana at home is like buying shares in Amazon in 2017. The company’s founders are cannabis enthusiasts who grew their own marijuana, but needed more help and a better way to keep track of their growing process. These Apple iOS apps provide plant growth information and can also be used as a journal to record growing activity. Grow With Jane includes many useful tools such as unit converters and calculators, which growers use to track their growing activities. This app also helps you connect with other growers to exchange tips and advice.


Developed by experienced growers and incorporating scientific data, BudLabs is a mobile phone app for growing cannabis. This app is a complete grow journal that helps users schedule and itemize tasks, while maintaining accurate notes on daily developments of their crop. It includes information on mother plants, clones, and the curing process. BudLabs also has an app for hydroponic growers, that includes a nutrient calculator and expert advice for growing cannabis.


This internet-based app works much like a digital grow journal, which helps you keep a detailed record of every step of your grow. It can be used to schedule and track tasks for your plants, including watering and feeding, and even keeps notes on their progress. Its goal is to become the all-in-one resource for growing cannabis at home. You can access expert advice and community knowledge on the app, and purchase growing supplies and nutrients.

Author bio – A guest blogger has contributed this advertorial


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