Article Writing Guidance for Ecoideaz is a comprehensive portfolio of all eco-friendly ideas developed in India. Since it is a business-oriented website that presents information both from the investor and consumer perspective, we require our writers to adhere to certain content quality standards. We do not want web-researched articles; either you must have thorough knowledge on the topic or you must interview experts in that particular field. Please send us your chosen topic and get it approved before you proceed.
Guest bloggers and commercial content writers are welcome to submit their articles to us, provided they adhere to our standards. Please go through these guidelines before suggesting a topic:
- Our magazine focuses on green innovations originating from India, so suggest topics relevant to Indian audiences only.
- Mail us a few suitable topics that are either expert opinions or innovations that address an environmental problem.
- Write guidance topics only if you are an expert in that particular field.
- Attach JPG files of a few relevant images that are classified as Creative Commons.
- Avoid placing commercial web-links in your article unless you are ready to pay for it.
- Guest posts will be marked as ‘sponsored’ if they blatantly promote a product/service.
- All our articles automatically appear on our homepage and are indexed by Google.
- Only one do-follow web-link will be provided per each guest blog.
- Link insertion in existing articles is for a maximum of 30 characters only.
- Please use this Google form to submit your guest post.
Expert guidance articles on environmental issues
The purpose is to present the existing knowledge about an ecological issue in a methodical manner, so that a layman can clearly understand the issue. The guidance provider must have some basic knowledge or personal experience on the topic. Cover each of these points in an article of 900-1000 words:
- Provide a proper intro with a connection to the current situation
- Begin with a brief description to define the topic, types of categories, etc.
- Describe the existing solutions and emerging innovative ideas
- Briefly describe any implemented examples in India
- Provide a factfile for all your sources and web-links
- Provide good quality images as JPG files
- Check examples in our Expert Corner
Case studies on innovative ideas and implemented practices
The purpose is to showcase the most innovative green idea in India. The selected idea has to be innovative and must be created by an Indian or a person of Indian origin. It can also be an unpatented idea in a pilot project stage. Cover the following points in an article of 700-800 words:
- Begin the intro by stating the problem faced
- Explain how the innovator got the idea to counter the problem
- Describe the innovative idea in detail along with a tech-specs table containing technical details (optional)
- Provide details on what makes this idea different from others (USP)
- Mention any negative points or drawbacks that prevent mass adoption
- Place specific sub-heads in your article – Problem, Solution, Tech specs, Disadvantages, etc
- Check examples in our Green Ideas section
Showcase of eco-friendly products & services
The chosen green product category must be unique and be commercially available in India:
- Begin the intro by stating the problem faced
- Explain how the product addresses the current problem
- Describe the product’s salient features and internal components
- Provide the technical specifications in a table
- Discuss the pricing and the availability of the product
- If it is a generic product, compare various brands available
- Provide a description for each brand in 50 words each
List form articles or listicle
You could write this showcase in a snippet compilation or listicle format:
- Begin with an introduction of 200 words explaining what exactly is the key issue.
- Explain how different products are addressing this problem in 200 words.
- Write brief description about each innovation in a snippet of 200 words each.
- Standard these snippets by writing about its origin, innovator, location, production, etc.
- Check this example on sustainable architecture and low cost water filters
*Plagiarism is not tolerated. Do not copy paste chunks of info from other sources.
Send your guest post article to