Ways to Lead an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle This Year


Living in an eco-friendly manner simply means not harming the environment, littering, and wasting our resources. Polluting, throwing trash, and not using biodegradable products harm our environment more than we realize.

Today, leading an eco-friendly way of life is gaining great importance since we need to drastically change our living habits and protect our planet. The need of the hour is to live sustainably and not cause further damage and harm.

As responsible world citizens, we should start implementing small changes to our households that can go a long way in helping our planet heal. Since most citizens in the UK are at home or working from home due to coronavirus pandemic restrictions, this is a fabulous opportunity to become more environmentally friendly.

As a homeowner, you can make more sustainable choices and help protect the environment. Eco-friendly doesn’t only mean reducing wastage of electricity, water, and food; you can also contribute positively with things you may have not even considered, such as eco-friendly personalised house signs.

Ways to Lead an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle This Year

Let us look at some ways to lead an eco-friendly lifestyle this year onwards:

Reduce Food Waste

UK households waste several tonnes of food each year. This enormous consumer waste and packaging end up at landfills or waste incinerators, causing further pollution. Rather, we could make conscious choices by planning our meals in advance, and purchasing food items in biodegradable packaging. A fantastic example of this is our daily coffee. If you use an eco-friendly reusable coffee cup while driving or working each day, you can save tons of waste packaging material.

Another interesting way to prevent food waste is to turn leftovers into new meals. There are several recipes on YouTube and other social media that can help you produce new dishes out of leftovers. Since most people are currently working from home, refashioning a leftover meal can make a quick lunch without waste.

Switch Off Appliances to Save Electricity

Work from home has caused a steady increase in electricity consumption across the UK. Most households saw a marked increase in the use of laptops, TVs, gaming consoles, fridges and kitchen appliances. Most homes also consume a lot of electricity, if people sit in different rooms. If you have a designated study where all the work happens, there is a chance you may not use other rooms. However, this is not the case everywhere since families have different rooms for children, elderly citizens, and even dining and living areas.

You should replace the lightbulbs in your house with energy-efficient ones that consume less electricity. Limiting screen time and controlling the use of the internet also helps in reducing the carbon footprint. Switching off the electricity in rooms that you are not using and turning off appliances that do not need constant connections can also help the environment and reduce the electricity bill per month.

Sparingly use Large Appliances

If you have large appliances such as a commercial freezer, tumble washer and dryer, large ovens, grillers, and so on, you could limit their use every day. One effective way of reducing the use of a washing machine is to use an outdoor clothesline to dry your clothes. We understand that washing clothes manually is too tedious a task, but you could at least dry your clothes in the sun instead of using a tumble dryer every day. Since you are working from home, you can quickly bring the clothes back if the weather changes.

If you have solar panels installed, you should opt to use the washing machine, dryer, oven, vacuum cleaner, electrical lawnmower, and other large appliances during the day. Once night falls, you can limit the use of these machines and help save the environment and your money.

Use Efficient Heating

Fuel bills usually skyrocket when you add heating and water utility payments each month. Working from home means you will probably need more heating throughout the day. If you are working from a single room, you do not need to heat the entire house. You can switch off the central heating and use a temporary or movable heater in the occupied space. Turning the temperature down can also help save money and protect the environment.

Another good way to keep warm is to wear weather-appropriate clothing. You could wear an extra sweater and turn the heater down a few degrees to help save the environment and keep the body warm at the same time. Insulating the doors, windows, roofing, and around the house can also help trap the heat inside and prevent leakage.

There are several ways that you can help protect the environment and start an eco-friendly lifestyle. Small changes in our households can surely add up to an enormous opportunity to save the planet from future harm.

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