Eco-Friendly Ways To Effectively Store Your Things At Home


Author – Joyce Claravall

Millions of people across the world have been confined to their homes in order to escape the wrath of the COVID-19 pandemic. During this enforced period of lockdown, people are trying to direct their energy to purposefully utilize this self-isolation by indulging in a variety of household activities.

This is like a golden opportunity to take some time out of our busy lives and cater to pending household issues or be creative in refurbishing our homes. Thinking outside the box is essential to escape the drudgery of living in the same home, while keeping in mind the need for a sustainable life ahead after nature has done rebooting. Sustainability is a way of life without being toxic to the planet and since ‘charity begins at home’, making our homes eco-friendly will be a good start.

With every technological innovation, the effects on our environment have been a double-edged sword. While climate change is one of the most-pressing dilemmas humanity has to face, consumerism is another slow poison that is harming our environment.

Economic laws indicate when demand increases, the supply decreases. Instead of buying numerous things you do not need, reduce your waste and control your clutter by looking for creative ways to store your stuff. We have compiled a list of ways for effectively store your things at home as well as making some eco-friendly decisions:

How to Pack Things in An Eco-Friendly Way

An excellent way to start your eco-conscious journey is to look at the things in your home. By making the conscious decision to lessen the things you buy, you can make a positive impact on your carbon footprint. Aside from the obvious benefits to the environment, organising your items will also brighten your home and help you save more money. Before you start organising your things, take a look at them and ask yourself: “What am I willing to keep, throw, or donate?”

Purge your house of all the items that can no longer be used for its original purpose. Donate those that can still be used by other people. You can expand this list by deciding what you want to fix, recycle, sell or store in another location. This way, you can sort your items out before placing them in their appropriate boxes. Here are four tips for organising your things:

1. Reuse boxes and containers instead of buying new ones

You will probably have unused boxes in your house from shopping and deliveries that need throwing away. Instead of placing them in the bin, repurpose them to hold your things. Smaller boxes can store small items like craft supplies, old jewellery or beauty products. You can store your winter gear, Christmas decor and gowns inside larger boxes. This way, you are maximising the space.

You might also find your empty marinara jars in your house. After cleaning up those jars, you can place beads, grains, pens, paintbrushes or kitchen utensils. You might even be interested in starting a little greenery inside your home by placing a few plants inside them.

2. Turn old shirts into reusable rags or dishcloths

Instead of using paper towels or napkins to wipe down kitchen stains, get your old shirts and place them in an accessible kitchen cabinet. Keep them nearby and wash them once they get dirty. In the same way, organise your tote bags near your door before you go out for the grocery. This ensures that you won’t forget them and resort to plastic or paper grocery bags.

3. Reconfigure your room to make more space

People tend to buy more plastic bins and hooks to organise their place, not knowing that a few readjustments can create more space. Think of your room as a puzzle with your things as the pieces. Adjust the shelves and the hooks you already have, placing the things you need the most at eye-level. Those that need to be taken out on special occasions or seasons can be placed at the bottom shelf.

4. Place extra items in a self-storage facility

Investing in lock-up storage for your items is much better than just sending them off to the landfill. Moving them to a unit can give you more time to figure out what to do with them in the future. Make sure to choose facilities that are bright and clean. This usually means the floors reflect the light instead of absorbing them, decreasing the building’s energy consumption. Not only is the place hygienic, but small details like this are also a positive impact on the company’s carbon footprint.

If you have old furniture that you want to sell, placing them in lock-up storage can keep them in good condition. For other people who are starting their businesses, these units can act as a storage unit before having their wares shipped off to customers. This will avoid clutter in your own homes.

When moving your items, try using reusable plastic ties when the tape is not needed. Instead of buying new boxes, look for storage bins or totes that can serve the same purpose. Instead of styrofoam peanuts, use old newspaper or recycled packing peanuts to fill up the empty spaces.

While you may use a moving truck on the first move, choosing a self-storage facility within your neighbourhood will keep it within walking distance. For your next visits, you wouldn’t want to drive more than 50 miles to visit your possessions.

Author bio – A guest blogger has contributed this advertorial

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