Are Millennials more Eco-friendly than Previous Generations?


Author – Amanda Sparks

The Millennial generation has been the driver of change ever since it was defined as the definitive generation to embrace technological change in a big way. Millennials are those who were born at the dawn of the internet and came of age when smartphones emerged, adapting to change in more ways than previous and future generations were able to do.
This is what makes them ideal candidates for environmentally conscious activities that the world desperately needs. But is the Millennial generation more eco-friendly than the previous generations, and how can we embrace that difference as well?

Millennials Eco-friendly mindset

Millennials eco-friendly
Image Source – Pexels

Of late, the term “environmentalist” has gained a certain negative connotation in our society for being too extremist about the environmental degradation that is happening around in the world. However, Millennials embrace the fact that our planet’s environment is being destroyed daily, which makes them prepared to take certain steps to amend for it.

They adhere to environmental laws and support any initiative that works towards making our planet green. Millennials will often choose sustainable transportation such as electric bikes, or bicycles or even walking as opposed to cars or buses. They are prepared to go to great lengths in order to make their contribution to society.

While they can be labeled as environmentalists, they will never do anything to harm anyone or push their way of thinking onto someone else. They live their lives conscious of their environment and lead society by example instead of NGOs or propaganda.

Conscious global perspective

eco-friendly Millennials
Image Source – Pexels

The Millennial generation has enjoyed the privilege of seeing the rise of the internet, social media and quick global communication trends. This makes them look at the world differently than most people. They are aware of what is going on in the world by following eco-friendly webpages, social media sites and non-government initiatives that strive towards making the world a better place.

They realize that every piece of trash you throw away in the right place does make a difference on a global level. Change is hard and being persistent about it is even harder – millennials are aware of that entirely. They are full supporters of recycling materials for further use if it means that the environment will not be harmed further.

They even go as far as to refuse to work for an employer with a history of harming the environment, often choosing to work for eco-friendly companies even if the benefits are fewer in that regard. This is what separates the millennial generation from the rest – they will put the environment in front of their own needs and desires.

Sustainable brand conscious

Packaged goods are a necessary evil that we have to live within the modern consumer-centric world. However, millennials are quite aware of the raw materials and additives that go into packaging production and harm the environment if not recycled correctly.
That is why they often opt for paper packaging and brands that openly support the environment.

Packaged goods in cans, aluminum and harmful materials are taboo for millennials. They steer clear of anything that doesn’t support sustainability in food production, meaning that they will often choose a more expensive brand of food if it means that it is eco-friendly. Millennials are the most eco-aware generation that we have encountered so far, and they have a lot to show for it.

Buying goods from a store is more of a social matter for millennials. Brands that ignore environmental disasters, animal cruelty and do anything they can to exploit the environment are a huge “no” for millennials. They will go out of their way to promote an eco-friendly brand that they believe in, often talking their friends and family into buying it as well.

They never take promotional materials or labels for granted and do proper research anytime they find an interesting brand on the store shelves. Sustainable brands that are eco-conscious and want to connect with millennials (and future generations) need to work on their brand visibility. It can be difficult due to huge conglomerates that flood the market with flashy images and promises of tasty food. Be aware that millennials will take their time and actually look for these small, seemingly invisible brands if it means that they will eat healthier and live an eco-friendly life.

Self-aware in crowds

Biodegradable materials, recycled packaging and eco-friendly clothing is a norm that many millennials have grown to embrace. For them, it’s important to show the world what they stand for by using sustainable brands. They don’t do this through activism or pushing their agenda onto other people – there is no agenda to talk about.

All they want is a more eco-friendly environment to live in and they show it everywhere they go. They order green food that doesn’t condone violence towards animals or use of GMO products; they shop for clothing made of zero animal materials and pick their makeup products wisely. Every move they make is centered towards living a greener life, which makes them environmental ambassadors in every crowd they find themselves in.

Today, these eco-friendly Millennials are now becoming parents who are preparing the world for their kids to live in. I believe they will do everything in their power to make the air more breathable and water more drinkable, all while respecting other people, animals and nature in the process.


  1. What?! You forget to mention that millennials buy 4 times more clothes than people did just 20 years ago. They all have brand new smart phones. Do they think about the 5 mile wide toxic sludge pool in China, a by product of their regular purchases of phones, lap tops, tablets etc.? Not to mention the massive amount of energy used to power the servers every time they go online or use sat nav apps.

    Millennials want new devices regularly unlike most older people. Millennials go on holidays abroad, they fly regularly. They buy food out 3 or 4 times a week. They like to go to gyms and energy guzzling fitness centres. Millennials buy canned and bottled drinks where containers have to be recycled using energy. 20 years ago we took them back to be washed and used again. I could go on. Millennials have a long way to go to be eco friendly. To people my age at 42 and older, millennials look like a bunch of hypocrites. If they want to be seen as eco friendly they need to practice what they preach.

  2. One cannot deny the fact that millenials are more aware and conscious than the previous generations. Where in the world history have you heard of a movement that is entirely revolutionized by youngster? This is so because we as a generation UNDERSTAND the consequences of turning a blind eye to the environment, which is basically what the leaders, industrialists and politicians of the world are doing (I can bet they aren’t millenials) we are literally out there protesting and urging the government to launch eco-friendly policies instead of sitting behind a screen and ranting how bad this generation is. We have influencers from our generation preaching ways to live a minimalist lifestyle and people are interested in their content! Why? Because they care.

    • I suppose you are talking about the fake support your millenials are giving for Greta on social media? I am confident their protest is a fake one, since Greta’s call for global protests fizzled out in most of the countries!

  3. Every coin has two sides and not everything is perfect. These technological advancements have helped spread awareness to a wider range of audience which would not have been possible years ago.
    People are more aware about their surroundings these days. Taking the example of plastic straws being banned, young people taking upon themselves to plant more trees, etc.
    Talking about ordering food, I disagree. Most young people prefer preparing their own food as they prefer healthier options these days.


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