5 Ways To Manage Construction Waste During Building Renovation


Author – Marie Wickham

A lot of construction waste is generated when a structure is renovated, built or demolished. The resulting debris can pose significant risks to the environment.

Unfortunately, over 600 million tons of construction and demolition debris (C&D debris) occur every year, and much of it is mishandled, while there are many sustainable solutions available.

Here are some important ways to reduce construction waste during a building renovation project through planning, dumpster rental and more.

Make Pre-Planning a Priority

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Building a comprehensive plan for any construction project is important. However, managing waste is an area that is easily overlooked during the planning phase. In reality, the more in-depth the plan is done on C&D debris, the less waste will be mismanaged and the less waste will be generated.

A few ways good planning can negate undue waste include:

  • Materials will be more precisely ordered to accommodate the project
  • Recycling bins for C&S debris will be in place at the onset of the project
  • Knowledge about what can be reused will already be established

Salvage First, Demolish Second

Demolition is perhaps one of the most waste-heavy activities of construction. With the goal in mind to remove a structure completely, the first inclination is often to start demolishing and then contend with the waste. However, deconstruction before demolition greatly reduces the amount of waste remaining after demolition.

This “soft” demolition process creates the opportunity to salvage materials that can be reused, recycled or diverted, which means fewer items become waste. For example, windows, large lumber pieces and even intact drywall sheets can be repurposed and diverted.

Divert and Reuse

Diverting and reusing is a simple strategy of reusing what materials can be used or diverting materials to another entity that can make use of the materials. For example, during a demolition project, wood or metal framing can often be reused. Even materials such as concrete blocks, bricks or other masonry pieces can be diverted to places for reuse, such as landscaping businesses.

Create a Strategy for Recycling

Many forms of discarded construction material can be recycled. Therefore, it is a good idea to plan for recycling by having separate bins for each type of material at the construction site.

Materials that can be recycled might include:

  • All types of metal
  • Roofing
  • Concrete
  • Plastics
  • Carpet
  • Wood pieces
  • Drywall
  • Cardboard and paper products

While segregating the materials can be a challenge, waste can be drastically reduced with recycling. In some areas, you may even find single-stream construction recycling, which allows many types of debris to be placed in one container. The materials are then separated by the service provider after pickup.

Secure an Rental Dumpster for the Site

Securing the right dumpster is an important step for managing waste during a building or construction project for a few reasons. One, when you rent a garbage dumpster that is the right size for your building, it becomes easier to separate the refuge from what can be diverted, reused or recycled.

Further, these large containers properly house the waste collected during the project, so it does not litter the ground. Leaving the waste on the ground can lead to environmental toxins leeching into the ground, natural water sources, and delicate ecosystems that surround the work site.

Responsible Waste Management Means a More Sustainable Construction Project

Building a sustainable construction business is more important today than ever. Waste management is easily one of the most vital features of a sustainable, responsible construction endeavor. Therefore, reducing waste with every project is a win for the environment, the community and your business.

Author bio: Marie Wickham is Director of Marketing at Sourgum Waste.

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