Indian Technology Congress to host AgriTech Startups Show in Bengaluru


The fifth edition of the Indian Technology Congress (ITC-2017) is scheduled to be held in Bengaluru on 10 & 11 August 2017. Along side this event, the first ‘ AgriTech Startups Show ’ is being organized by the Foundation for Educational Excellence in partnership with Villgro Innovations Foundation, Menterra and TargetOrate. This side show brings together experts and senior leaders in the agri-tech industry and allow young entrepreneurs to showcase their startups to an elite panel of investors and policy makers.

AgriTech space in India is becoming complex in terms of market opportunities, available technologies, consumer buying needs, etc. ITC’s AgriTech Startups Show offers a unique opportunity for budding agrotech entrepreneurs to showcase their business to leaders with technology focus from various areas that offers a rich environment to build a meaningful dialogue. Agro-based startups get dedicated exhibition stalls to showcase their innovations and the top 10 startups will be invited to present their pitch to investors.

The 5th annual edition of ITC-2017 is jointly managed by Foundation for Educational Excellence and a consortium of professional bodies such as – National Design & Research Forum, World Federation of Engineering Organisations, Centre for Green Technology & Management, Indian Institution of Production Engineers. With this focus on AgriTech, the event is also supported by IARI, ICAR, NASSCOM IoT CoE, UAS and other prominent institutions.
Date: 31.07.2017 | Source: Indian Technology Congress

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