Green ChemisTree Foundation has invited applications for its seventh Industrial Green Chemistry World Convention and IGCW Awards to be held in Mumbai from 6-8th November 2023. The IGCW-2023 Convention serves as a platform for the chemical industry in India to explore diverse success stories, business models, and innovative solutions for implementing “green & sustainable” manufacturing practices.
As part of this convention, the 7th IGCW Industrial Green Chemistry Awards will be given to green innovators who have incorporated the principles of Green Chemistry in chemical designs and manufacturing practices; or have undertaken any initiative to prevent pollution.
The organizer, Green ChemisTree Foundation is a non-profit organization with a vision to bring forth technical know-how about green chemistry and engineering applications among Industry professionals, Academician, Researchers, government officials, and students.
The Industrial Green Chemistry World Convention was first launched in 2009 by Prof. Paul Anastas and Dr. John Warner. The IGCW Convention series is India’s only dedicated platform for facilitating learning from global green chemistry experts and engaging senior chemical industry stakeholders such as government bodies, research and academia institutes, industry associations, etc.
The major highlights of this year’s Industrial Green Chemistry World Convention are as follows:
- Green Chemistry Tools for Process Research
- Sustainability & Green Chemistry Metrics
- Pollution Prevention through Green & Sustainable Chemistry
- Environment, Health & Safety – Tools & Technologies
- Renewable Feedstocks for Sustainability
- Sustainable Metal Catalysis for Sustainability
- Bio-catalysis: A Powerful tool for Green & Sustainable Chemistry
- Green Engineering for Process Saftey & Benign Environment
- Waste Valorization & Industrial Ecology
- Software & Analytical Tools for Green & Sustainable Chemistry
- Creating Green & Sustainable Chemistry Capacity Building Ecosystem
Further, nominations for the 7th Industrial Green Chemistry Awards are invited from large MNC companies, small-scale industries, green chemistry startups, knowledge community, etc. The last date to apply is 31 July 2023 and top three shortlisted participants will be announced by 15 September 2023. Interested participants can click here to apply.