Pashudhan Praharee
Rural Development
Pashudhan praharee is contents rich and information driven magazine with its unique style of presentation. The magazine provides comprehensive information on the market and industry, economic and policy issues, scientific advances, new livestock-input products, new technologies and latest news and analysis on the developments in animal husbandry.
Pashudhan praharee is the mouthpiece of Indian Dairy & Poultry industry. The lead articles of the magazine are authored by experts on various fields of Poultry, dairy & allied livestock industry. It also carries articles on finance, marketing, management, legislation, development programmes and policies, etc. written by specialists. The contents of magazine also include market information, scientific and technical know-how, health related knowledge, news from India & abroad, news about events that are coming up soon .
Pashudhan praharee is widely circulated among the policy makers, government officials, industry, research & academic institutions, embassies, extension agencies, financial and rural institutions, farmers, animal husbandry experts and other stake-holders in animal husbandry sector. Over the last 8 years the magazine has addressed national issues and also highlighted the problems, policies, trends in animal husbandry , agribusiness and rural development. It has gained a readership (online ) base of over 15,000 per day Globally
Pashudhan praharee is widely circulated among the policy makers, government officials, industry, research & academic institutions, embassies, extension agencies, financial and rural institutions, farmers, animal husbandry experts and other stake-holders in animal husbandry sector. Over the last 8 years the magazine has addressed national issues and also highlighted the problems, policies, trends in animal husbandry , agribusiness and rural development. It has gained a readership (online ) base of over 15,000 per day Globally
plot no 112 yuvraj enclave, dimna road, Mango, Jamshedpur - 831012, near dharbhanga diary, Jharkhand, India 831012
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