Towards Organic farm

    Eco Ideaz
    Contact Information
    “Kishorepura House”, EF 2, Scheme No.54, Vijay Nagar Indore, India 452010
    Detailed Information

    Towards Organic farm is one of the registered organic firms which comes under the MPSOCA (the government organic certification agency). We started the farm in 1989, which is situated in that city which is known as Heart of India, Madhya Pradesh mini metro city “Indore”.

    Towards Organic Farms believes that sustainability is mainly made up of relationship, in simply you can say that “maintain the relationship between us and growers, maintain the relationship between us and customers and also maintain the relationship between all of us, and complete environments which help you in all conditions”. They believe in Purity and quality, simply our brands are well known for healthy and good organic food. Organic Farming is one of the innovative ways of producing crops and livestock that involves in healthy soil alive and used it by using the organic wastes and their biological materials along with biofertilizers and release it the nutrient crops. We used it the good quality healthy soil by using the microbial inhabitants that release, get it from transfer the nutrients.