Sri Gomata Gayatri Organics

    Eco Ideaz
    Contact Information
    Plot No E 36, Vuda Colony, Taraka Rama Nagar, Visakhapatnam, 530 045, India>Andhra Pradesh
    Detailed Information

    Sri Gomata Gayatri Organics are Manufacturers & Exporters of Ayurvedic & Organic Herbal Products & Your family doctors worldwide Get Global Free Online Ayurvedic Consultation & Support for one and all of your family, and all types of Health Supplements for all disorders delivered at your doorstep worldwide at a very economical rate.

    Sri Gomata Gayatri Organics believes in organic, vedic, herbal formulas to healing through ancient ayurvedic principles. This is a thuthful destination for organic & vedic healthcare and wellness; Through Organics, Herbals, Pure & Naturals, Ayurveda, Cow Pathy, Gomutra Therapy, Panchagavya Therapy. We trying to save a few cows in their transit from farmer to butcher Protection, feeding and maintaining few cows, our very own Gomata Global propagation of awareness of Ayurveda and leading a natural life.