Sickle Innovations

    Sickle Innovations
    Contact Information
    Sickle Innovations Private Limited CIIE Building, Indian Institute of Management (IIMA), Ahmedabad, India>Gujarat 380015
    Detailed Information

    The seeds for Sickle Innovations were sown at the Indian Institute of Science and the company, founded in 2013, was established in 2014 with the gracious support of IIM Ahmedabad’s business incubator, Centre for Innovation Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE).

    On India’s micro-farms, we feel that problems related to non-availability of farm labour, low profits, labour drudgery are all equally solvable with prudent design and technology intervention. Our design approach is human-centred and we are committed to maintaining the highest standards; constantly and comprehensively evolving our field-tested design prototypes.Designing and developing products that provide economic farming solutions for micro-farms make up our core focus.

    Most technological innovations are targeted for the top 10% of the population. You will find this disparity everywhere – every few months a new cell phone hits the market, but how often do you hear anything being designed for farmers upon whom we depend for survival? Agriculture in India is one of the worst hit sectors with this problem. While it still employs about 50% of our population, its contribution to GDP is significantly low at about 14%. Though there are many reasons for this imbalance, the role of lacking agricultural innovations is something that should hit us hard because India has no dearth of engineers and designers.

    At Sickle Innovations, we strive to become the trusted companion for farmers and labourers across India; doing our bit to help make farming profitable and financially sustainable. Our mission is to develop innovative mechanisation solutions to improve conventional farming practices through Design-Thinking.