RUCHI – Rural Centre for Human Interests

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    Contact Information
    Bandh, Bhaguri, Solan, India>Himachal Pradesh 173233
    Detailed Information

    RUCHI stands for ‘Rural Centre for Human Interests’, which is a non-political, non-profit making organization committed to development of rural India. RUCHI was established in 1980 in a remote village in Chopal in Shimla District, Himachal Pradesh. Head office of RUCHI is currently located in a new complex called the Technology Resource Centre at Bandh, HP.

    Some of the projects undertaken by RUCHI – Rural Centre for Human Interests include watershed management in badly eroded landscapes, development of non-conventional energy sources such as bio-gas for household cooking, new technology in agriculture and related fields (horticulture and composting), community health care, and promotion of women’s groups and youth groups.

    RUCHI see themselves as agents of change in terms of voluntary activity, Integrated Rural Development through People Centred Environmentally Sustainable Action. RUCHI lays great emphasis on ‘people’s power’. They help villagers perform rain water harvesting for irrigation, etc. and educate women on agriculture.