Pragati Koraput

    Pragati Koraput
    Contact Information
    Pujariput, Koraput, India>Odisha 764020
    Detailed Information

    Pragati Koraput is a voluntary organization established on 26th January 1992 and working to improve the quality of life of the rural poor in Koraput District of Odisha, India and registered under Societies Registration Act 1860 vide Registration No.KPT-2035-4/94-95 dated 27.4.1994 of the Additional Registrar of Societies, Koraput. Also registered under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 1976 vide Registration No. 104960054 dated 26-08-1998 of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.

    Pragati Koraput is presently working in 5 Blocks i.e. Koraput, Nandapur, Kotpad, Lamtaput and Dashmanthpur reaching out to around 45,000 households. We have established a network of Forest Dependent people in Koraput District facilitating Community Forest management and rights over forest lands and resources. Pragati Koraput work in many segments like Facilitation and strengthening of People’s Organisations (Village Development Committees (VDC) ,Village Monitoring Committees (VMC), Village Forest Committees, Women Self Help Groups, Farmers Clubs, Producers Groups) and their Federations at Panchayat, Block & District level. Conservation and sustainable management of natural resources i.e. community forest management, soil and water conservation & creation of irrigation infrastructures. Sustainable Agriculture through organic practices. Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Awareness.