Nualgi Nano Biotech

    Nualgi NanoBiotech
    Contact Information
    NUALGI NANOBIOTECH 651, 11th Main road, V Block, Jayanagar, Bengaluru, India>Karnataka 560041
    Detailed Information

    Nualgi Nanobiotech has invented and manufactured Nualgi. Nualgi is a nano technology micro nutrient in powder form, for causing a bloom of Diatom Algae in any type of water. ‘ NUALGI ‘ contains trace, special and appropriate nutrients that can deliver in a biologically available form. Upon application to the water body in the presence of macro nutrients like N, P, K and sunlight, phytoplankton predominately in the form of DIATOMS, bloom and is soon converted to live food like zooplankton which is attractive to fishes and prawns. The live food boosts fishing and marine resources.