Navdanya Seed Bank

    Contact Information
    #A-60, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, India>Delhi 110016
    Detailed Information

    Navdanya is a movement for Earth Democracy based on the philosophy of ‘Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam’ (The Earth as one Family). Navdanya is a network of seed keepers and organic producers spread across 18 states in India. We protect the India’s biodiversity based food heritage through Bija Swaraj, Ann Swaraj, Bhu Swaraj and Gyan Swaraj. Through ‘Anna Swaraj’ we help farmers and consumers through awareness of benefits of local, fresh organic nutritious food and training and harm to the health from Chemicals which are destroying biodiversity.

    To conserve the agro-biodiversity Navdanya started establishing community seed banks and identifying seed keepers / Seed producers in different agro-ecological zones of India. These community seed banks are a step towards the identification and conservation of important traditional seed varieties. These also help in orienting the agricultural community towards conserving and cultivating the important, highly nutritive traditional crops and varieties.

    In the recent past, Navdanya Seed Banks have helped conserve the traditional agro-biodiversity in rural communities. These seed banks are being managed by the farming community itself. Till date, Navdanya has set up 120 community seed banks in 17 states of India in the last 26 years.