Lighting a Billion Lives is a global initiative to facilitate clean energy access and the delivery of last mile energy services for basic and productive use. The initiative enables energy poor communities to transition from traditional and inefficient energy sources to modern, more efficient and sustainable energy solutions. Lighting a Billion Lives accelerates market development for clean energy technologies through knowledge sharing, capacity building and market seeding.
Following its Commitment of Action at the annual meeting of Clinton Global Initiative in 2007 to reach a million lives, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) launched Lighting a Billion Lives in 2008 with a mission of reaching a billion people across the globe – through the development of innovative delivery models and the creation of unique partnerships across the energy access value chain for a self-sustaining market led energy access ecosystem. The programme offers diverse technology options based on affordability and end user requirements such as, solar lanterns, solar charging stations, micro grids, improved cook stoves, independent home lighting systems and integrated domestic energy systems that address both lighting and cooking energy needs in a single unified system.