SAFIX™ SCRUB PAD has become a symbol of hope for hundreds of women who have been trained in cleaning loose coir fiber, a vital step for forming the scrub pad.
The lives of women in rural India continue to be grimed, with very little access to education or healthcare. These women spend their lives burdened by household chores. They are even denied the freedom to be trained. What can be done to provide a brighter and more secure future for these women? Can they be equipped with skills to ensure a life of dignity and respect? A simple skill required for sorting of loose fiber a vital step for manufacturing a scrub pad has transformed the lives of rural women in India.
Perhaps in a quest of finding answers to some of those questions, our company took it upon themselves to empower women in rural India, to give them a new beginning and a new deal.
Inovex Enterprises Pvt. Ltd .believes in the theory of reciprocity which means that since the company’s product is targeted at women consumers, so should it’s social endeavors and to focus directly on economic empowerment.