Green Sense – Bio-degradable Food Plates

    Contact Information
    No.28, Krishna Layout, Devarachikkanahalli, Bangalore, India, India>Karnataka 560076
    Detailed Information

    Message from Green Sense Founder: 
    Green Sense is founded with the intention of producing 100% organic and 100% bio-degradable food plates to reduce dependency on environmental non-friendly products. These plates are processed(organically) and manufactured from sheaths that fall-off naturally from Arecanut trees(otherwise mostly these sheaths go as waste)

    Taking advantage of Karnataka state’ vast hectare space of Arecanut trees(Arecanut trees are maximum grown in our country in Karnataka, about 40% of hectare space in our country lies in Karnataka, mostly within the malnad region), Green Sense is committed to produce large quantities of Organic plates to meet the ever growing demand for use-and-throw plates and also at lower costs
    To achieve the cost advantage, Green Sense believes in establishing communication and channels directly to those people who matter. Last two months, we have cut down unnecessary channels(like agents) who could help us procure Arecanut leaves(or sheaths) and also to sell our produce. We have established direct contacts with Farmers on one-end and with direct consumers on the other. This way cost of produce has been brought down. Well, we will continue to improve on this to lower the costs for us and eventually for our customers

    India being a land of mass events such as festivals, function, marriages, get-togethers, there is a large demand for use and throw plates in the market now. Plastic plates as we know do not degrade themselves in the environment and harmful to everyone around them(even with recent Government development about usage of >40 microns plastic, people continue to use harmful plastic). Paper plates usage results in serious deforestation, as it requires cutting down the trees to produce them. Unfortunately, vast population including the very educated ones, still continue to use plastic and paper plates during such mass events. 

    Look at the characteristics of a Arecanut plate below:

    • 100% Eco-friendly. It is produced from falling leafs, that means not harming trees like other plates. Processed organically, no chemicals or harmful substances used
    • 100% Bio-degradable: Eat your food on these plates and throw them at a plant, it forms a good manure to the growing plant
    • Very Hygienic
    • Microwave-oven & Refrigerator safe
    • Very Sturdy, can hold in on one hand to consume food, unlike other plates
    • Hold liquid too for few hours
    • Can be easily molded into different shapes and sizes

    They are “Wonder plates”!! Aren’t they?

    We are dedicated to do our bit in bringing in this awareness to the public. Hope you will do our bit too..
    As everyone says this mantra nowadays, “Go Green”.. but lets not just say it, but do it 🙂