Green Pens India

    Ecarved doors
    Contact Information
    150A, Orchard mall, royal palms estate, aarey milk colony, goregaon east., Mumbai, India>Maharashtra 400065
    Detailed Information

    We at Green Pens India are a Dynamic team working towards development of new Eco products for the betterment of the environment. Our Founder Mr Suresh U Nair has ensured that we make unique Eco products with best finesse and pricing to cater to a mass base of buyers.The Kraft Paper used is made for recycled paper. Currently our Flagship products are the eco-friendly pens and pencils. We are the pioneers in the development of Seed pen, which is again giving the message that you need not throw just grow. Our Technical team has ensured that the seed is embedded in the pen with necessary nutrients to help it grow when its planted to grow.

    Green Pens India caters to the Hospitality and corporate sector mainly. Buyers can have their company name and logo printed in multicolored printing for better branding. Our Goal is to make the environment a better place to live in.