Green Energy Development Corporation

    Eco Ideaz
    Contact Information
    OSPH&W Corporation Building. Janpath, Bhoinagar, Bhubaneswar-751022, India>Odisha
    Detailed Information

    Green Energy Development Corporation of Odisha has been incorporated under the companies act, 1956 as a public limited company on 18.04.2013. GEDCOL is a wholly owned subsidiary of Odisha Hydro Power Corporation Ltd. (OHPC); a Gold Rated PSU of Govt. of Odisha. The main objective for creation and constitution of GEDCOL is to explore the huge renewable energy resources in the State which are other wise untapped for a long time.

    Green Energy Development Corporation is a board managed company and the Board functions under the Chairmanship of Principal Secretary, Dept. of Energy, Govt. of Odisha and Chairman OHPC. The company is currently functioning at its Regd. Office situated at Bhubaneswar. GEDCOL has planed to install initially at least 100 MW solar and small Hydro Power in the coming 3 yrs in the State of Odisha.