Feeding India

    Eco Ideaz
    Contact Information
    Greater Kailash - 1, India>Delhi 110048
    Detailed Information

    Feeding India is a not-for-profit social organization that is registered as Hunger Heroes under the Indian Society Registration Act. Feeding India is an initiative to collect surplus home food to deliver to those in need entering their donation center. This is aimed primarily at reducing hunger and secondarily at moving towards a zero-food waste lifestyle. We also serve freshly cooked food or raw grains to our partnered shelter homes and beneficiaries.

    Feeding India runs the largest youth-run network towards solving hunger and food waste in India. More than 8,500 volunteers also called Hunger Heroes collect and donate food in 65+ cities. Hunger Heroes also take up the task of spreading awareness and bringing on-ground change in the community. We run the first of its kind program involving a running vehicle that collects and redistributes large food quantities of excess nutritious food especially from functions, cafeterias, events, etc. and serve meals to target beneficiaries while maintaining ensuring proper quality of the food.