Ethical Energy Petrochem Strategies

    Eco Ideaz
    Contact Information
    Ahmedabad, 312, Sakar V, Near Mithakali gam railway crossing, Ashram Road, India>Gujarat 380 009
    Detailed Information

    We at Ethical Energy are firmly committed to promote Technology driven Growth in Natural Gas, Power and Carbon Market by identifying and leveraging emerging trends in the world market to achieve Sustainable Development.

    Though “Sustainable Development” is the buzz word for most of the politicians, bureaucrats and business leaders, we believe, that most of these people do not have full understanding of the needs (in terms of policies and actions) to achieve such development. As a part of our commitment to help promote “Sustainable Development”, we have decided to provide our services with a clear focus on identifying specific opportunities and helping in development of such opportunities to achieve this objective.

    We have now evolved a unique, quantified index to assess ‘Carbon Risk’ of any company and this innovative, proprietary index is called “Ethical Energy Index (EEI)”. The index is estimated for some of the listed companies in India, based on data provided in their Annual Reports and, we believe, that this is the most unambiguous, objectively quantified index to provide assessment of ‘Carbon Risk’ of any company. We expect this to be a very useful tool for all analysts who are interested in taking informed calls on their investment decisions.