ENVIRO CONTROL ASSOCIATES (I) PVT. LTD. is one of the leading companies in India in the field of Environmental Engineering focusing on the treatment of Water, Municipal Sewage & Industrial Effluents.ENVIRO offers a range of specialized engineering services and turnkey solutions based on practical experience garnered over the years in the Water Treatment , Sewage Treatment , Industrial Effluent Treatment ,Tertiary Treatment Plants with Water reuse, Bio-Gas based Captive Power Generation Plants, Operation and Maintenance of Treatment Plants, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Air Quality Monitoring, Environmental Impact Assessment. ENVIRO’s client list is extensive and includes many national and multi-national industries as well as Municipal Corporations, State Water Supply and Sewerage Boards, Refineries, Petrochemical Plants, Pulp and Paper, Chemical, Dyeing and Printing, Textiles, Pharmaceuticals, Sugar and Paint Industries.
Enviro Control Associates
Contact Information
Surat, "Enviro House", Opp. Bank of Maharashtra, Ghod-dod Road, India>Gujarat 395 001
Detailed Information