Chirantana Green Technology Centre is established at the District Bio-Fuel Demonstration and Information Center in Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering, Shimoga.
Bio Fuel means Bio Diesel or ethanol produced from non-edible oils, juice of plants and animal fat. Bio diesel is produced from non edible oils such as Pongamia, Neem, Jathropa etc. by transesterification process. Production of bio-fuels offers numerous advantages socio-economic benefits and energy savings.
Considering the advantages, the Government of Karnataka formed Biofuel Development Board under which district level “Biofuel Demonstration and Information Centers” were set up in various districts. The Shimoga district center has been set up at JNN College of Engineering. This information centre has been conceptualised as a showcase to study, promote & demonstrate all aspects of the bio-fuel business namely:
- Providing information on Bio Fuels.
- Various sources of oil.
- Agronomic practices for these sources.
- Post-harvest technologies like de-cortication, oil expelling etc.
- Treatment & uses of oils.
- Trans-esterification methods & efficiencies.
- Quality control of seeds, oils & blended bio-diesel & ethanol.
- Optimisation of usage of straight vegetable oils (SVOs) & blended bio-fuels.
- Exploration of various business models w.r.t. Bio-fuel sector
- R&D and extension services.