Centre for Sustainable Agriculture

    Eco Ideaz
    Contact Information
    12-13-485/5, Nagarjuna Nagar, Street no-1, Taranka, Secunderabad-500017, India>Telangana
    Detailed Information

    Centre for Sustainable Agriculture major work falls in six domains viz., Policy Advocacy, Sustainable Production, Farmer’s institutions, Marketing, Human Resource Development, and Media. CSA sets its mission to establish ecologically and economically sustainable models of agriculture, help farmers to organize themselves to improve their livelihoods and realize their rights.

    Centre for Sustainable Agriculture plans to reach out to 50 thousand farmers directly and 5 lakh farmers indirectly in the next five years (2015-2020), by working with them to establish sustainable models in agriculture, organize them into community-owned institutions and fair marketing models in six states of India. By doing so, we believe that agriculture productivity can be increased by 10 % and farmers incomes by 15 % which approximately translates to Rs. 5000 per family. CSA partners with all like-minded organizations and networks for a policy change to enable promotion of sustainable models of food production and sustaining livelihoods engaged in the process.