Bio Nutrient by Ecological Concepts

    Ecological Concepts Pvt Ltd
    Contact Information
    A4-003 LGF Tower-4 Purvanchal Heights Zeta-1, Greater Noida, India>Uttar Pradesh 201306
    Detailed Information

    Ecological Concepts Pvt Ltd has devised a unique way to treat sewage and effluents in water bodies through its patented product, called Bio Nutrient, which not only cleans a polluted water body without affecting its ecology, but also adds nutrients to it.

    Bio Nutrient is a liquid mixture which is diluted in water dosed into the pond once a week. It is effective within hours of dosing. Bio Nutrient contains micronutrients required for multiplication of the ubiquitous and beneficial Phytoplankton in any water body. Bio Nutrient contains Si, Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, B, S, Mo, P,K and Co.

    With the use of Bio Nutrient, all polluted lakes and rivers can be restored without harming the water life,” Besides cleaning water bodies, the product also has several other uses. Bio Nutrient can be used for growing phytoplankton in oceans to absorb carbon dioxide and reduce greenhouse effect, thereby aiding in solving the global warming problem. It can also be used for preventing growth of toxic algae species called red tides in the oceans. It can be used for generating plankton and live food in aquaculture ponds which can boost the growth of prawns and fish.

    Beyond large water bodies, Bio Nutrient can also be used for treating sewage water from a residential apartment complex as well. Typically, sewage from a complex of 50 houses would be about 25,000 liters per day (100 liters per person). 1 ml of Bio Nutrient can be applied to 1000 gallons of water once a week. Shake the bottle well before dosing. Dosing should be done early at sunrise when Phytoplankton are most active.

    Bio Nutrient has been tested to be non-toxic as per APHA (2012) and OECD (1992). Bio Nutrient has no impact on humans and is even safe if small amounts are consumed accidentally. Overdosing will cause excess Phytoplankton and water will turn brown. Beneficial bacteria, zooplankton and fish grow in a healthy manner in ponds and lakes when dosed with Bio Nutrient.