Bajaj Herbals Pvt. Ltd. is a part of the Ahmedabad based Bajaj Group of Companies. Established in 1998, Bajaj Herbals Pvt. Ltd is in International Business recognized as a manufacturer and exporter of an extensive range of products. The company ventured in the global market with a variety of food products like Peanut butter, Instant Powder Drink, Flavoring Essence & Food which were mainly exported to the countries in Europe and USA.
Bajaj Herbals after gathering a rich experience in these markets forayed into the range of hair care products like Hair Oil, Hair Henna, Hair Spa and others to cater to the needs of the consumers globally. The vital markets for the hair care products are middle East, Africa, South East Asia and some of the European countries. By the virtue of offering quality and innovative products and customer-friendly approach, Bajaj Herbals grew into prominence.