Ash Recyclers – WITHHELD Karnataka

    Contact Information
    Bengaluru, 94, Thimmiah Road, India>Karnataka 560001
    Detailed Information

    ASH RECYCLERS Is India ‘s first Government authorized electronic waste recycler started operations from Aug 2005. At Ash Recyclers the hazardous metals are safely extracted at a special plant, and everything else – down to the keys – is recycled. Ash scrap dealer had a clientele of many multinational IT related companies. IBM, siemens, Compaq, Acer, Canon, Modi Xerox, Wipro-Infotech and Wipro Peripherals are quiet a few to name.

    We decided to offer safe and reliable disposal of electronic waste by following: (1) Non-burn technologies. (2) Avoiding hazardous material to the landfill. (3) Non use of strong acids for precious metal recovery and (4) 100% utilization & recovery from electronic waste.

    DETERMINED to follow REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLING of electronic waste complying with WEEE Directives. DEDICATED to make the world a better place to live-in by using eco friendly processing methods of electronic waste.