Annakairali (nanma, krishi, samskaram)

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    Annakairali , an agro magazine depicting success stories of organic farming, healthy lifestyle tips & lots more for a healthy living.

    Anna Kairali as a movement which started as a food sovereignty movement by a group of youngsters which later on inspired many others from fields of technology and allied subjects to join the farming sector in Kerala. From its beginning stages, this movement embraced action oriented working plan. We operationalised our work focussing on connecting schools and farmers directly to create farms in schools, taking uncultivated land for lease with support of schools and farmers, preserving seed varieties through harvest of indigenous varieties etc.

    That is not to mention the initial year of travel we undertook to understand the mostly undocumented indigenous farming methods and seed varieties in our land. We took our study and connections we made and have continued farming- growing rice and vegetables for nearly seven years now, along with our social outreach activities. Now as we look out from the safety and strength of our relationship in its fullness with the soil, we feel we should reach out, so that the voice of the farmer- young and old is heard together. And thus we are at a significant part in our journey of brining out a magazine which we feel further spread the power of this movement through the power of written word.
    Come join us in making Kerala the first food sovereign state in India. More power and respect to the hands that till the soil and feed the world.