Abhumka Herbal Pvt Ltd is a social enterprise deeply engrossed in formalizing indigenous herbal knowledge into healthcare products for human, animal and agriculture, while properly compensating indigenous herbal healers. Abhumka is probably the only social enterprise in both the hemisphere working with a belief in a ‘not-only-for-profit’ spirit. From Satpura hill ranges in Central India to Sahyadri and Aravallis in Western India, team Abhumka is putting perpetual efforts to document age-old tried-tested and trusted herbal knowledge of Indian tribesmen and translating potential practices into finished products to fill the lacunae for need based cost effective health solutions.Abhumka Herbal’s integrated efforts to make tribals self reliable, self sustaining and economically independent will also solve their other socio-economic issues. Thus Abhumka follows 2P System (Two Partner System) of working for inclusive growth.