Ab Initio

    Eco Ideaz
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    Detailed Information

    Ab Initio is a fully owned subsidiary of Energetic Consulting Pvt Ltd (ECPL) based in Mumbai, India. We are a member of the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) and of the US Green Building Council (USGBC). We have a qualified LEED accredited professional (LEED AP) on board along with architects & consortium of technocrats with Chemical, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering backgrounds. We provide consultancy for Green Building Construction, Energy Conservation Consultants, Energy Efficiency Audit, Safety Audit, etc.

    Ab Initio also provides consultancy assistance in the following areas:
    • Innovative methods of reducing HVAC load from building envelopes.
    • Design and Engineering of STP/grey-water recycling systems for use in fire-fighting, gardening and cooling towers
    • Design and Engineering of Electrical and HVAC systems
    • Blue-print audit at design stage
    • Assistance in customization of Building Management System ( BMS ) and generation of energy MIS for the premises
    • Consultancy of use of renewable energy in building envelopes
    • Performance evaluation of all utilities / services after installation
    • We have a qualified LEED accreditation professional (LEED AP) on board along with architects and consortium of technocrats with chemical, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Background.