
Wander Nagaland

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Wander Nagaland

Wander Nagaland multiple-day tours move from one village to another, from one tribal area to another. Your Lead Guide will be with you for the entirety of your journey through Nagaland, but in each new village, a Local Guide will be there to welcome you into their village. This is in the traditional spirit of the sovereign Naga village state. The warmth and sincerity of the Naga people creates a safe space that allows you to explore a self-contained world, which might help awaken aspects of yourself you didn’t know existed.

For the Naga village, this practice keeps local guides employed close to their family, close to their home. Enabling locals to stay close to family, home and their indigenous lands helps keep our way of life alive.  We value the unique and local qualities of each of our Naga tribes, down to the particular features of our villages, khels, and clans. 

Healing Garden H/O 455, Ward 9, Medziphema, Nagaland, India 797106

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